Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Week beginning 11th March 2013

We have been painting the Funnybones street. We looked carefully at the colours in the book. We got out our own resources, Mrs Willerton didn't help at all! We even packed it all away. Mrs Skinner has made a display in the corridor. It looks outstanding!

We have been making ships outside. It looks like a rectangle!

It was Red Nose Day! Some of us came to school wearing something funny for money! We did a fashion show to see what we were wearing! We put One Direction on very loud!

We talked about why we were raising money. This is Ronika and she needs lots of things in her house. We realised how lucky we all are. 

We made some pictures of things to put in Ronikas house.

We made some red nose cakes to sell in our cake shop! They looked fantastic and tasted delicious!

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Week beginning 4th March 2013

This week we got some new games. This one beeps when the tweezers touch the metal. We enjoyed finding out how it works.

We made some pots for Mother's Day. We put a primrose plant in them and took them home. We also made a beautiful handbag card for our mummys.

The NSPCC lady came to do some dancing with us. We raised some money to make more children happy.

We have been doing some observational drawings this week. Some of our drawings were very detailed.  It doesn't feel like Spring outside just yet!

We do some baking every Friday morning. We sell them at our cake shop at break time. The money we raise goes towards buying new toys for our classroom.


Friday, 1 March 2013

Weeks beginning 11th and 25th February 2013

Digging together! We can get changed independently. That means we can do it on our own without any help.

Making our very own skylander costumes.

Something smells of coffee in here!

We made some pancakes and had some races. We kept a tally to check who came first the most times.

We have been interested in mazes. Look at our collection of gigantic pine cones. If we found a dead end we just had to keep trying to solve the problem!

Some of us know all our numbers to 20 now. We've been learning about two digit numbers. We play splat the number just before lunchtime everyday. This is our hundred square.

Working together to make chocolate milkshake (in the mud!) We need to add lots of water.

Making skylander biscuits for our cake shop on Friday.

Look at our fantastic new tents! It has been very sunny this week!