Friday, 19 October 2012

Week beginning Monday 15th October

Last week I told Mrs Willerton I would like to learn the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears, so that's what we did! We went to Y6 to sing our song, they really liked it!
This week we have been learning how to use split pins. My teddy moves! We did all the cutting out ourselves.
How many have you got in total?
Pretend birthday cakes!

We're making porridge for the three bears. They are equal!

Counting out....I have got 10 here and 10 here, that makes 20!

This is my guitar thank you card!

How far can you travel?

Measuring with a ruler.

Developing our fine-motor skills.

We waited patiently and took it in turns without Mrs Willerton's help!

Trying out our new ride ons! It goes quicker down the ramp.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Week beginning 8th October

Pheeeewww! What a busy week learning lots more new things!

This week we have got much better at listening!
 Look at my list! I did all my writing outside today.
Look at these potions. We have been reading 'Room on a Broom' this week. We came up with some fantastic rhyming words.
mix, fix, licks, sticks
bat, cat, rat, mat

We like to help each other when we struggle with our buttons. Mrs Willerton will help us, but only when we've had a try first.

We mixed Kippers birthday cake. It was disgusting!

This week we have introduced monitors for snack time. We come in from the playground quietly and listen to the music. We wash our hands and somone pretends to be Mrs Willerton. We are able to do snack time without any help.

 All the leaves are falling off the trees this week! That's because it's autumn. We enjoyed looking at information books about autumn in our reading area. We filled up the tuff spot with conkers, pine cones and crispy leaves. We did lots of counting and sorting.

This week we took home a reading book from the pink basket. Mrs Willerton told us a good story just by looking at the pictures. We've got some huge picture books and we love reading outside. All of us can tell a story from the pictures and we take different ones home every week.

Lots of the boys chose to write outside this week. We hold the paper steady with one hand. We enjoyed doing lots of tracing this week. 

Guess who I'm looking at...
Wow, some real guitar teachers came to visit us. We sang lots of songs and we even invited class 1 to join us. We were very gentle and touched a 'real' guitar. It was amazing.


Friday, 5 October 2012

Week beginning Monday 1st October

Week beginning Monday 1st October

 I have written the first letter of my name this week!
I've got my own special name book. I try my hardest and Mrs Willerton gives me lots of praise! I get my book out whenever I want. If I keep trying I will be able to write my whole name soon.
Developing our hand-eye coordination in PE.

If we get changed quickly then we help our friends who might be finding things a bit tricky.

We had a fantastic time playing with Mrs Skinner outside. We wanted to make a stage, so she helped us.
 "These are a rectangle shape."
We have been learning about the difference between rectangles and squares.
We have to make sure the stage is safe for people to walk on.
We have been recognising our numbers and Mrs Willerton made us some medals. We had to use a hole punch to make the holes and threading the ribbon was quite tricky but we got there in the end. We also had some whistles to start the race, there were only four so we had to take it turns. Some of us even made our own medals.....

Look at my medal! I made it all on my own! That means I'm independent!

After Mrs Skinner had shown us how to set it up we played for a long time on our own. Can you see the board at the back? We're recording how many we jumped over. Some of us now know how to write the number two correctly.

This was very tricky. I managed to get five out. I counted them carefully. Then Mrs Guy from the office came to play. She had just popped in to bring our register back when we invited her to play our game. This time it was a bit more tricky than the cubes! We had to concentrate hard to pick up the tiny peas. We set the timer up for her, she kept on trying!

This is how many peas I got out! We all shared the board.

Look at all my writing! I am a real writer, I've never done any before. Now I go home and Mummy says I do lots of doodles.
One of my friends brought this in from their walk to school. What could it be?
After we had made some medals Mrs Willerton showed us the difference between bronze, silver and gold. We're going to look at a trophy next week.
 Mrs Willerton let us carry on with our play. We made a boyband. Look at us playing guitars! After this we made some of our own guitars with boxes and elastic bands. Mrs Willertom played guitar music on the whiteboard and next week a teacher from big school is bringing his guitars in to show us. He might let us sing too. On Friday afternoon we looked at our day chart. Lots of us wanted to stay at school for days six and seven. We're so excited about next week.
Make sure you come back and see what we're doing next week!

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

This week in Reception class....


So what have Reception class been learning this week?

We have been very busy with our buckets; sometimes they are empty but quite often they are full up! We have been learning to work together and share our toys. We put on our own boots and transported some of the water in buckets on one of our trucks.

Sometimes we get a bit dirty and we have to tidy up. We have been learning how to look after our own things.
At snack time we give out the magnets. Everybody gets one so that's fair. We sing our please and thank you song and then we use our kind manners to get our snack. We have been learning our colours and which was the most popular. We like to sort the colours into groups. If someone spills their milk we are learning to be kind by getting them a cloth to wipe it up.

So what's the difference between a liquid and a solid? Mix, mix, mix until the jelly sticks! Wow look how our flowers changed colour with the food colouring in it! Amazing!

The gloop went from being a solid to a liquid and then a solid again! Let's dip our spoons in and carefully fill the tub!

We have been making our own books because that is what we are  interested in. We know how to use a hole punch now. We only have two so we share them. My book stays together because of my tag!
Let's bake some cakes for the coffee morning....mmm smells yummy. We have to take turns.

We have enjoyed reading the story of Elmer. He has lots of different colours on him. We are all different! I know because we looked in the mirror! This is my mummy. Mrs Willerton did some rubbish painting then she showed us what features to put on. I've even remembered eyelashes! Then I drew a face shape on my own and did more painting. Mrs Skinner has put it up on the display for everyone to see. I'm so proud of it can't you see my big smile!