Friday, 14 December 2012

Week beginning 10th December

Look at our work in our home school diaries! We took photos of our work and Mrs Willerton has put it on here!

Christmas writing on the whiteboard!

Making Christmas clay truffle trays.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Week beginning 3rd December 2012

We helped each other to put up the Christmas tree. Mrs Willerton only gave us a little bit of help. We had to sort the colours out.

We dressed up as Christmas helpers. Some of us balanced carefully on chairs to decorate the tree.

Festive writing!

We made a class paperchain.

We made some advent calendars!

We were learning about 3D shapes. Mrs Willerton showed us how to wrap presents. We put some labels on them too!

Working together to make the paperchain!

Helping each other with our sounds.

It's Santa on the phone!
Singing some of our nativity songs. We did some excellent sharing!

We are very proud of our Christmas grotto and we are also very proud of this...

our new outdoor area!  

Friday, 30 November 2012

Week beginning 26th November

Last week some of the boys were playing power rangers. Amazingly over the weekend the superheroes were spotted in the village, so on Monday we went for a walk to try and find them.
On our way way back to school we found some material from their cape that got stuck on our fence when they flew over.
We were so excited we told Mrs Bedford and Mrs Guy all about it. We had to take it in turns to talk.
When we got back inside we realised that there wasn't enough cape material for everyone. One of our class was really clever and said we could cut it up into pieces and share it and so that would be fair. What a fantastic idea!
We had a Hindu day in school. We enjoyed dressing up. Do you like my sari?

We have been getting ready for Christmas and the New Year by making our calendars. This is the start of many crafts this Christmas!!!

Mrs Willerton organised a Science Workshop for us.

 We went to the park again as a reward for getting our gold stars all week. We noticed that all the leaves have fallen off the trees. Each week we have noticed what colour they are. They have been green, yellow, orange and now brown! It's getting quite cold so we stay for a shorter amount of time. When we get back we like to chat to our friends around the table and enjoy a cup of warm hot chocolate. It's a lovely end to our very busy week.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Week beginning 19th November

 We started to clear our outdoor area ready for some new improvements!
We enjoyed the story 'The Owl Babies' so much that a real one came to visit!

We were allowed to play under the canopy this week but we weren't allowed on the playground. We made some people allowed.

This week one of our news sounds was 'o'. Mrs Willerton set us a challenge to peel a huge orange. Sometimes we get frustrated, but we've been learning not to give up and to keep trying when things get tricky.  

Some of the Junior Road Safety Officers from Year Six came to to talk to us this week.

Look at me...I can do 'fred fingers' all on my own! I can sound out words and write them down.

This week in PE we have been doing lots of balancing.

"I'm a power ranger and this is my jet pack."

 Nearly there...

Friday, 16 November 2012

Week beginning Monday 12th November

At playtimes this week we have enjoyed sharing our books with some of the playground monitors and Y1's.

My friend had a nose bleed this week and I looked after him.

This week we have been pushing our sounds together to read. This is called blending.

Mr Casey our caretaker bought us a new sweeper because we wanted to keep our new carpet clean. We turn it upside down to see how it works.

Our local PCSO came to visit us this week.He talked to us about strangers and what we should do if we get lost if we go Christmas shopping.

He gave us all pencils and pens. Mrs Willerton found us some notebooks and we pretended to be policemen.

We all wanted to do writing!

 Wow! We got some new ride ons this week. It was quite tricky to unpack them, but we worked together and used the scissors carefully.
On Friday it was Children In Need day so we came to school in some of our clothes from home. We put some music on and took it in turns to do a fashion show. We took it in turns. Everybody clapped.
Next week something very exciting is happening...